Stick Electrode Ovens

Once removed from factory packaging, low-hydrogen, shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) electrodes readily absorb atmospheric moisture into their flux coating if stored improperly . This can lead to costly weld defects such as hydrogen embrittlement and porosity. Avoid unsound welds by storing your low-hydrogen rods in heated welding rod ovens. Made in the USA, Keen welding ovens are known worldwide for their quality, dependability and versatility in capacity and temperature range. Our selection of welding rod ovens are divided into four categories: portable, bench top, floor positioned, and high-temeprature rebake rod ovens.

Stick welding professionals worldwide choose for our expertise and wide selection of SMAW welding electrode oven solutions. Structural steel welding guidelines and welding rod manufacturers recommend heated storage for low-hydrogen stick rods to safeguard against welding defects that can seriously affect the bottom line of any welding professional. Our vast product range in the stick rod oven category fulfills any requirement. If you don’t see an electrode oven that suits your needs, we can design a customized welding rod oven specific to your application. Please browse our selection below. Click on the product image and you will be taken to the details page.

Showing 1–12 of 16 results

Showing 1–12 of 16 results